Litchfield Council provides waste management and recycling services to ratepayers, residents and commercial users through its three Waste Transfer Stations.
Howard Springs - Howard Springs Road
Humpty Doo - Corner of Spencely and Strangways Roads
Berry Springs - Cox Peninsula Road
Waste Transfer Stations are closed on Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday.
In the event of an emergency or the if the Darwin and surrounding areas are placed on a Stage 2 Cyclone Warning, all three Waste Transfer Stations will be CLOSED.
Litchfield Waste Transfer Stations are staffed, and you will require residential or photo ID to gain entry. Non-Litchfield residents are welcome to use Council's facilities but will need to pay a minimal fee.
Waste Strategy
Council adopted a five-year Waste Strategy in 2018 to guide its waste management activities and support to the community to reduce, reuse and recycle waste and minimise landfill.
Environmental Protection Licence
Pursuant to section 34 of the Waste Management and Pollution Control Act