The Northern Territory Government's announcement of the successful special purpose grants comes as great news for Litchfield Council and its residents. Litchfield Mayor Allan McKay welcomed the news of the two special purpose grants;

  • $70,000 to purchase a front end loader to assist with waste management; and
  • $11,000 to construct an undercover lockable storage area at McMinns Lagoon Recreation Reserve.

"This funding is important to our local community" said Mr McKay, 'This will provide support for our waste management services, something Council are wishing to improve on in the future of our recycling" continued Mr McKay.

McMinns Lagoon Recreation Reserve sits on 41 hectares of unspoilt wetlands. It is a natural jewel amongst the Municipality's Reserves. It offers nature enthusiasts and bird watchers alike a wide spectrum of bird life and butterfly activity all year round. The Reserve holds the largest Bird Sanctuary and contains one of the largest varieties of flora and fauna habitats in the Northern Territory.

The reserve is managed by McMinn Lagoon Reserve Association group whom are volunteers that care for and maintain the reserve. Litchfield Council largely funds the association to cover maintenance with additional funds obtained through grants to assist with landcare and weed control.

"Our Volunteers at McMinns Lagoon Recreation Reserve will appreciate the storage space for equipment to aid their conservation efforts to the reserve' said Mr McKay. The rural area has 7 Recreation Reserves, all managed by volunteers whom play an important role in conservation and community enjoyment.

"This grant is important for these services to continue and grow" said Mr McKay.