Litchfield Women in Business Network is a network of professional women living or working in the Litchfield Municipality or with a close association to the Litchfield Municipality.

The Council host several events each year and in February 2017 Council established a committee of eight community members, the Mayor and Councillors.

The role of the committee is to assist with the planning and staging of events and contribute ideas to achieving the goals and purpose of the Litchfield Women in Business Network.

The purpose of the Litchfield Women in Business Network is to provide opportunities to collectively share ideas, resources and contacts to support women in business.

The Committee was established for a twenty-four month term therefore the Council are now calling for nominations from interest women residing in the Litchfield Municipality to commence in the new year.

To nominate please complete the form attached and return to Council.

Nomination Form

Closing date Wednesday, 31 October 2018.

Please contact Debbie Branson on 8983 0600 should you have any questions.