$10m announcement CLP

The Coalition Government has announced a commitment of $10 million to upgrade Freds Pass Sports and Recreation Reserve, benefiting the greater community.

Founded in 1976, the funding will update facilities to keep supporting more than 2,800 members for sporting and recreational facilities.

The Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce remarked “The Coalition Government stands up for regional Australia and believes all Australians should have access to important services, regardless of whether they live outside a capital city.”.

Mayor Doug Barden said Freds Pass Sport and Recreation Reserve is the region’s largest sporting precinct and this commitment will provide upgrades to benefit the community on a whole including sports, markets, and the annual Rural Show.

“This is a welcomed announcement, and we encourage other parties to come forward and offer a commitment that will benefit the Litchfield community. We are a proud rural community with a rich history of recreational participation. This funding will ensure this facility is upgraded and provides a range of opportunities that are currently not available” the Mayor said.