Litchfield Council released its draft Municipal Plan for public comment. Mayor Allan McKay said "Council has focused on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of existing resources".
The level of required rates and charges has been kept to a minimum by limiting the number of new initiatives and focusing more on renewal of existing infrastructure.
Council has prepared a Budget which seeks to balance the demand for services and infrastructure with the community's capacity to pay. Previous years focus has been on new initiatives which increased day to day operational costs.
In 2014/2015 the rate rise will be 3.5% on general rates with a typical residential block paying $658.26 up from $636 last year and the waste levy that was subsidised in previous years will increase from $290 to $315 resulting in the waste management operations being cost neutral. The average increase for a residential property equates to 91cents a week.
Council's core programs, services and financial support to the community are also outlined in the Plan.
Litchfield Municipality is currently thriving offering large parcels of land with work and play just on the doorstep. It's an ideal location to raise a family with future employment opportunities for our youth with developments already underway including the Livingstone Abattoir, Coolalinga development, the new hospital and prison at Holtze and the Ichthys LNG project incorporating the accommodation village at Howard Springs and the gas processing plant at Blaydin Point. All these offer significant economic benefits to the rural residents.
The draft Litchfield Council Municipal Plan 2014/2015 will be exhibited for public consultation for 21 days as prescribed by the Local Government Act. During this time the public is invited to comment on the Draft Plan. The period for comment closes on the 23 June 2014.
The Plan can be viewed on the Public Consultation Page »