Darwin, Palmerston and the rural area are a step closer to having a long term plan to help shape the future of the Northern Territory's most populous area.

Following an extensive twelve week public consultation process which generated nearly one hundred submissions, the Draft Darwin Regional Land Use Plan was launched today by the Northern Territory Planning Commission.

"There has been a lot of public interest and it's been great to see a diversity of views represented," the Hon Gary Nairn, Chairman of the Northern Territory Planning Commission said.

The Draft Darwin Regional Land Use Plan covers a broad range of planning issues including future residential, commercial and industrial developments.

"One of the constraints of Darwin is that it's on a peninsula, and most of the surrounding land is unsuitable for development," Mr Nairn said.

"Thirty years ago, I was on the surveying team that marked out some of the land which became Palmerston, now Palmerston is bursting at the seams.

We need to think about how best to manage future growth." "We have been seeking feedback from residents and businesses, local authorities and Government agencies. We've also considered long term strategic infrastructure projects including future ports, airports and water catchments."

The plan will be available online at www.planningcomission.nt.gov.au and on display at the Royal Darwin Show. Mr Nairn said the purpose of the Land Use Plan was to take a big picture view of the region and guide orderly and efficient growth.

"This will be a long term, high level plan which will guide detailed local plans so it's important we get it right. We will be taking public comment till 1 September 2014."

Following this next period of consultation and subsequent consideration of input received, the Planning Commission will finalise the draft and make recommendations to the Minister for consequential amendments to the Planning Scheme.

"Although there will be another opportunity for input if the Minister makes any amendments to the Planning Scheme, I'd strongly urge interested parties to make their voices heard now," Mr Nairn said.

"Population growth is inevitable, what we're looking at here is how best to manage that growth and make sure it delivers the best economic and lifestyle outcomes for the region."


You can download the whole document or sections. If you have trouble downloading the plan, contact the NT Planning Commission Secretariat on 08 8924 7341 or email at ntpc@nt.gov.au

Draft Darwin Regional Land Use Plan »