Land for Wildlife Poster

We are pleased to announce our next Land for Wildlife workshop for our landholder members.

As our weather building up and the land generally is becoming a little crunchy, we will refresh ourselves and look forward to the wet season and talk about aquatic zones, as well as some marginal and general plant propagation.

The workshop will be kindly hosted on the beautiful 42 hectare property of amazing local artist and Land for Wildlife member Jasmin Jan. The day will start with a short walking tour of the lagoon side and intro by our host.

We will then invite Dave Wilson, a long-time local aquatic specialist to run a session on establishing or enhancing a wetland or aquatic zone, including water quality and plant selection. Greg Leach, our very own botanist, will also fill us in on common aquatic weeds, how to ID them and treat them.

After feedback from members, we are including a general native propagation work shop with our nursery consultant and training specialist from Greening Australia- Yvette Brady, who is a wealth of knowledge and will demonstrate and talk about the propagation of some selected native plants.

We will top off this wonderful morning with a light lunch/ brunch and a session of question and answers- your chance to ask all present about land management issues, bring plants to id, and share stories.

We really hope you join us. Please RSVP as there are limited places. Preference will go to Land For Wildlife members, but we are happy to accommodate interested others…

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