Media Release

Litchfield residents invited to have their say on new strategic direction

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

As a new Council with a fresh approach to how they do business, the Litchfield Council has set a new vision and released its first Municipal Plan for the coming year.

Mayor Maree Bredhauer says that the Council has embarked on a new phase and is keen to receive feedback from the community on the Plan for the coming year as it works towards ensuring the Litchfield municipality is the best place to live in the Top End.

“We are building a strong and dynamic management team, have set clear priorities and are willing to listen to and learn from our community.

“As elected representatives, it is not only our duty but an honour to ensure that we have the best interests of the people who live and work in Litchfield at the forefront of everything we do.

“The Litchfield community expects us to be more consultative, financially responsible and mindful that future growth needs to be planned and environmentally sustainable.

“We are concentrating on minimising our costs and identifying savings without impacting on the quality of services we currently deliver,” she said.

The Municipal Plan includes performance indicators and Council’s Budget, its Long Term Financial Plan and opportunities and challenges for delivering services in the Litchfield Municipality.

“The 2016/2017 Annual Budget for Litchfield Council will see an investment of $631,950 into new initiatives aimed at supporting Council’s strategic priorities and community needs. This includes a free micro-chipping program to encourage responsible pet ownership, a feral dog management program to control the number of feral dogs and protect wildlife and domestic animals and exploring whether we really do need a swimming pool and how we will continue to minimise waste and improve our transfer stations,” the Mayor said.

Another $2.3 million will be invested in road reseals and $2.3 million in road maintenance.

Council will also continue to invest almost $1 million into the operations of its seven recreation reserves in 2016/17.

The Council has set a general rate increase at 5.5% which will result in most residents paying an extra $38 per year or 0.73c per week.

The Litchfield Council encourages the community to obtain a copy of the Municipal Plan from the Council website or by contacting Council direct.

Public comments remain open until 24 June 2016 and may be submitted via email, in writing or in person.

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Media enquiries: Jeannette Button on 0407 727 080