Local Governments in the Northern Territory are required to undertake their planning and reporting activities in accordance with the Local Government Act and Local Government (Administration) Regulations.
The draft Municipal Plan has been released by Council for public consultation for a period of 21 days, ending 31 May 2017.
Council has an ongoing commitment to engage the community in setting Council's direction and we encourage you to make a submission in relation to this draft 2017-2018 Municipal Plan for Council's review at a Special Council Meeting on 5 July, 2017.
Draft 2017-2018 Municipal Plan
Submissions can be made as follows:
Attention: CEO Re: 2017-2018 Municipal Plan Submission
By Mail
Litchfield Council
PO Box 446
In Person
Litchfield Council Office
7 Bees Creek Road, Freds Pass
email to council@litchfield.nt.gov.au
Council plans to adopt the 2017-2018 Municipal Plan, Rates Declaration and 2017-2018 Budget at a Council Meeting on 5 July, 2017.