Rating Policy Review

Litchfield Council is committed to a full review of its current Rating Policy, which determines the way we distribute rates, not how much we charge.

To assist with the Rating Policy review, Council would like to establish a volunteer-based Community Reference Group (CRG) to work with Council, contributing ideas and providing feedback.

The CRG will comprise; an independent chair, up to five representatives of key groups of ratepayers, and up to six community members.

To ensure there is a representation of a diverse range of demographics, Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from the North, East, Central and South Wards of Litchfield including commercial and industrial representatives.

Community Reference Group members have the responsibility to:

  • Attend meetings
  • Read agenda and report
  • Contribute to the development of a Report with recommendations to Council

Please read the Terms of Reference for the CRG.

Meetings will take place from February to June 2019.

Successful applicants will be provided with the project plan outlining meeting dates and contents of meetings.

An allowance is payable to Community Reference Group members in consideration for their time and effort to attend meetings.

If you are interested in participating on the CRG, please answer the questions in this form and return it to Council at 7 Bees Creek Road or by emailing here.

To fill in the nomination form online, visit Yoursay Litchfield at www.yoursay.litchfield.nt.gov.au

Nominations close on Monday 22 October 2018.