Council has developed a draft Waste Strategy, guided by a Community Reference Group, and based on results of a targeted survey that approximately 1000 residents responded to.

The draft Waste Strategy is Council's commitment to improving and enhancing the way we manage waste and describes the key activities proposed for the next five years.

The Strategy states that: Together, Council and the community will work to Reduce the amount of waste we generate, Reuse what we can and Recycle waste resources to reinvest back into the community, enhancing our municipality as 'the best place to live in the Top End'.

Council would like to hear from the community regarding the draft Waste Strategy. Are we on the right track? Have we missed anything?

Click here to view the draft Waste Strategy

Click here to view a detailed Background and Discussion Paper for the draft Waste Strategy

How to provide feedback:


Post: PO Box 446, Humpty Doo NT 0836

In Person: Council Office, 7 Bees Creek Road, Freds Pass