In November 2018, Litchfield Council released a Youth Policy Discussion Paper to involve the community, in particular senior school students, local police and youth service providers, in the development of the draft Youth Policy.
The draft Youth Policy has been endorsed by Council for public consultation from Thursday 21 February, closing Thursday 7 March 2019.
You have helped us develop the draft Policy and we want to know if we are on the right track.
Click here to view the draft Youth Policy.
Feedback can be provided on the draft Youth Policy in the following ways:
1. Visiting
2. Email Council at
In April 2018, Council held a Youth Forum at Taminmin College, where 70 year nine students spoke about their futures and their ideas. This was the first step in involving young people in voicing their vision for the future of Litchfield.
With 19% of the Litchfield population aged between 10-24, Council recognises the importance of working with young people and has resolved to develop a Youth Policy.
The Policy will be based on feedback from the 2018 Youth Forum, and further consultation with young people and relevant stakeholders.
A discussion paper was developed to kick start Council's consultation process and to gather valuable information as input in developing the draft Youth Policy.