A focus on Today with an eye to the future

Last night Litchfield Council passed its draft 2019-2020 Budget and is inviting community comment.

The Draft Municipal Plan 2019/20 includes a balanced budget of almost $28 million with $10.8 million income from rates.

Key budget highlights include almost $5.6 million to be spent on roads, $92,000 for Community Grants and Sponsorship and $155,000 for plans including a master plan for Council owned land at 320 Arnhem Hwy, Humpty Doo and a plan for more connected paths.

Council continues to upgrade Freds Pass Sport and Recreation Reserve with a further $1.5 million, to be spent next year bringing the total investment in the Reserve over the past few years to $5 million, all fully funded by Territory Government.

In 2019-2020, Council will be seeking a government grant to build a $7 million Community and Business Hub to include a community hall, a modern library, facilities to support businesses operating from home and an arts and cultural space.

Litchfield Council Mayor Maree Bredhauer said, we have built a great foundation over the past three and a half years and over the next 12 months we will continue to invest in community infrastructure and advocate strongly for key projects that are important to Litchfield’s future.

“As our municipality continues to grow, we maintain a strong focus on today and looking after our $499 million of assets, including our seven recreation reserves with $1.1 million funding in 2019-2020, whilst planning for future needs in a sustainable and responsible way.” the Mayor said.

Next year’s budget includes an overall increase in rating revenue of five per cent, an extra $452,681, equating to an increase of $40 per rural residential property and an additional $10 per property for the waste charge. Residential properties located in Coolalinga will have no rate increase for the third year in a row and will pay the same waste charge amount.  The additional rating income will contribute to capital projects, road and infrastructure assets.

Council has prioritised three key projects over the next few years and will advocate to government for funding investment towards these projects.

“We have seen what we can achieve when we lobby for Council, with the Mango Industry Strategic Roads Project receiving Federal bipartisan support of $20 million. Council will continue to make Litchfield the best place to live in the Top End, working on providing Litchfield residents with community infrastructure, including a learn to swim facility and community and business hub” the Mayor said.

The Draft Municipal Plan 2019/20 and Budget is out for public comment Thursday 16 May closing on Thursday 6 June 2019.

To view the Draft Municipal Plan 2019/20 and Budget visit yoursay.litchfield.nt.gov.au