Litchfield Council is doing its bit for the environment with 33 tonnes of old TVs and computers recycled over the last fourteen months, the equivalent of three semi-trailers.

The program, a partnership between Council and TechCollect, reduces waste to landfill, saves money and provides more recycling options for Litchfield residents.

Litchfield Council Mayor Maree Bredhauer said our community is very good when it comes to recycling and the results of this program to date proves it.

“Council’s Waste Strategy focuses on recycling and reducing landfill from our waste transfer stations, 33 tonnes of electrical products is a big effort.” the Mayor said.

Litchfield Council joined with TechCollect in December 2017, a not for profit company approved under the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme, to offer a no cost program to reduce the number of electrical products unnecessarily going to landfill. 

Residents can drop off old computers, notebooks, printers, faxes, TVs, key boards, parts and accessories to Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station 7 days a week.  TechCollect transport all the equipment south for recycling at no cost to Council.