Upgrades initiated by the Community to Howard Park Recreation Reserve playground are now complete with temporary fencing being removed today, just in time for school holidays.

The playground works included installation of a shade structure covering the playground and nearby table, refurbishment of the equipment and replacement of the soft fall as per Australian Standards.

Mayor Maree Bredhauer thanks the Department of Local Government, Housing and Community Development for the funding of just under $70,000 provided through a Special Purpose Grant.

“The community had a big input into these upgrades. We surveyed users of the Recreation Reserve and asked what they wanted, and the biggest request was for shade so the playground was usable at all times of the day and year”.

“Works took just over a month and we are pleased to be opening the playground back up to the community to enjoy the school holidays there” the Mayor said.

Playgrounds in the Litchfield municipality have undergone audits to ensure they comply with Australian Standards and are safe for the public.

Council will be looking to secure another Special Purpose Grant from the NT Government to undertake playground upgrades at Humpty Doo Village Green, replacing some equipment that required removal as a result of the playground audits.