Prudently managing Council’s financial resources and supporting the community through the current economic climate was the focus in the development of the Municipal Plan and Budget 2020-21 that was endorsed at the Special Council Meeting on Wednesday 29 July 2020.

Litchfield Council Mayor Maree Bredhauer said Council made the difficult and disciplined decision to increase rates in line with the Long-Term Financial Plan.

“We understand COVID-19 has put pressure on households and we have acknowledged this in the budget. The rates on paper will increase by $60, but Council has agreed to provide ratepayers with a concession to the value of the increase in 2020-21” the Mayor said.

Ratepayers will not pay more in rates in the next financial year than they did in the last financial year.

To further support those in need, Council has revised its Rates Concession Policy that ratepayers can now apply with a simple two-page application form and improved response times. Ratepayers can apply for interest write off, deferral of rates or have interest placed on hold.

The Municipal Plan and Budget 2020-21 sets out over $6.6 million in capital projects, continued funding for Council’s seven Recreation Reserves at over $1.1 million and over $100,000 going back to the community through grants, support and events.

To view the Municipal Plan and Budget 2020-21 click here.