Litchfield Bears Juniors

We invite you to have your say on the draft Sport, Recreation and Open Space Strategy through the survey on Your Say Litchfield or Litchfield Council's Facebook page.

Click here to read the draft Strategy.

The draft Strategy has been developed through extensive community consultation with:

  • Community and sporting groups
  • Recreation Reserve Management Boards
  • Sporting peak bodies
  • Schools
  • The general community through a survey
  • Councillors and Council Staff through workshops

The Strategy will help us to:

  • Plan for the future development and level of service for facilities
  • Plan for the delivery of new and upgraded infrastructure
  • Provide Council with a cost and resource plan for Sport, Recreation and Open Space in Litchfield
  • Otium Planning Group have been engaged to help prepare the strategy.

This strategy will guide the priorities for sustainable investment in facilities and provide a strategic framework for the planning and management of sport, recreation and open space.

You can have your say on the draft Strategy by providing comments on Your Say Litchfield.

Consultation will close on Thursday 18 February 2021.