The Draft Long Term Financial Plan is designed to ensure the financial sustainability of Litchfield Council continues to improve over the next 10 years by supporting sound financial decision making.
Sustainability in the context of Litchfield means the community has well maintained facilities and infrastructure and receives good quality services.
Read the Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2021-22 to 2030-31 for more details on what is planned for Council's financial sustainability.
In May 2021, the NT Government announced planning for the next residential land release with the creation of two new suburbs Holtze and Kowandi. These suburbs will provide more than 5000 new residential lots within the next 30 years. The proposed development will increase rates revenue which will result in less pressure for rate increases to be applied into the future. Due to the timing of this announcement, the details are not contained in this draft, however, work is being completed to calculate the effect of these new residential lots (expected title release date from 2026) which will result in changes to the future years in the Long Term Financial Plan prior to its adoption in June 2021.
Council would like feedback from the community.
All submissions will be considered for the Long Term Financial Plan 2021-22 to 2030-31 and will be presented to Council for endorsement at a Council Meeting Wednesday 30 June 2021.
How to make comment:
- Online - visit Your Say Litchfield to fill out the online form
- Email -
- In Person - Litchfield Council Office, 7 Bees Creek Road, Freds Pass
- By Mail - Attention: CEO Re: Long Term Financial Plan 2021-22 to 2030-31 Submission
Litchfield Council, PO Box 446, Humpty Doo NT 0836
The submission period closes Tuesday 1 June 2021.