Land use

Litchfield Council is inviting residents, local businesses, sporting clubs, community groups and interested stakeholders, to participate in a community led consultation to develop potential options for the best use and future development of 320 Arnhem Highway, Humpty Doo.

At present, 320 Arnhem Highway is 7.56ha of under-utilised Council owned land within the Humpty Doo Activity Centre. The preliminary Masterplan is at concept design stage, and Council is seeking community input to create a single masterplan design and inform the potential future land use options for the site.

Litchfield Council Mayor Maree Bredhauer said, “The options presented in the preliminary Masterplan provide some principle ideas and concepts for how the site could potentially be developed, with the final Masterplan to be informed by community feedback received from this community consultation.”

Building on prior consultations that guided the proposed designs, two concept plan options for development are being presented to the public for feedback and input. Option A is centred on maximising opportunities for growth through tourism and residential precincts, whilst Option B is focused on balancing opportunities for growth with community space and recreation. A key variance between the two options is that Option B removes the Residential Living option and has a central park. 

Ms Bredhauer said the council recognises people are passionate about where they live, and it values their input into the planning process. 

“It’s important to plan for the future of Humpty Doo in a way that maintains the amenity and lifestyle of rural living while providing adequate social infrastructure and enhanced community facilities for future growth in the area,” said Ms Bredhauer. 

“The timeline for implementing the Masterplan is ten to fifteen years, however, it is important to understand what the community currently wants and needs in order to empower future planning and development.”  

“We encourage all residents to take part and have their say,” said Ms Bredhauer.

The community consultation process will involve a number of face-to-face and virtual options ranging from workshops, public displays, and an online survey, which will be open from the 29th July – 14th August. 

The public displays will be on: 
•    Thursday 5th August & 12th August at Humpty Doo Shopping Village from 4:30 – 6:30pm 
•    Saturday 7th August at Coolalinga Shopping Centre from 9:00am – 1:00pm 
•    Saturday 14th August at Coolalinga Markets (Fred’s Pass Reserve) from 9:00am – 1:00pm 

The community consultation workshop is on Mon 9th August at Humpty Doo Golf Course, Pioneer Drive, Humpty Doo from 6 to 8pm. 

For more information about the 320 Arnhem Highway preliminary masterplan visit Your Say Litchfield

To take part in the online survey visit Your Say Litchfield

To register for the Facilitated Community Workshop at Humpty Doo Golf Course email Will York via  

Media Contact: William York (PR Coordinator - AA&P 360) on 08-8942 3388 (Office), 0416 621 236 (mobile)