The Northern Territory Planning Commission has commenced the first stage of consultation on developing an Area Plan for Greater Holtze. The Greater Holtze district includes Holtze, Kowandi, Howard Springs North and Holtze North localities.
The Greater Holtze area planning project follows the Planning Commission’s preparation of the Holtze to Elizabeth River Subregional Land Use Plan, and is the next step towards guiding the supply of land for the future growth of Greater Darwin.
The Planning Commission has released a discussion paper for this stage of consultation which can be viewed here. Stage One consultation is happening now until Friday 1 July 2022.
Feedback from this first stage of consultation will be considered by the Planning Commission as it works to develop a draft Area Plan for Greater Holtze. The draft Area Plan will then undergo a further stage of community and stakeholder consultation.
Submissions can made by email to ntpc@nt.gov.au or by post to ‘GHAP, NT Planning Commission, GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801’.
Please do not hesitate to contact NT Planning Commission Secretariat on telephone 08 8924 7540 or email ntpc@nt.gov.au if you would like to discuss this project. We look forward to receiving your feedback.