Hello everyone.

Now that we are finally in election mode please get in touch with either party and ask them what they are going to give us here in the Litchfield area. Let's make them work for YOUR vote!

  • We need 6 bridges for the rural area, and they are really needed, if we can get that we can save lives. With one life lost already that's one too many, so help me get $13 million for the bridges by writing to them, email, text, Facebook and twitter them, CALL them, just do anything to help make it happen for your community.
  • Another thing you could chase them up on is mail delivery; it is an issue that I will be onto as soon as the election is finished. It is something that they can help with as the Post Office is Federally controlled, (that is what I am lead to believe), everywhere else in Australia has a postal service, why is it that we do not have one? That is the question you have to ask them, so make them work for your vote. This will probably be the last time you hear from them until four years from now, but I get to see them. I need your help now to stir them up on these issues and any others that you have.

We are now truly into the fire season so please be aware of your fire brakes, are they done? Have you cleared enough around your sheds and houses? Are you safe?!

Good news it looks like we are going to do a trial on chipping your green waste. This is when you can bring in your green waste, we chip it while you are there, and you take the chip back home with you. The trial will take place From Friday 27th September through to the Sunday 30th September at Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station. At various times I will be there to talk to you and gather your thoughts on the idea. Flyers will be available soon with more information.

I was speaking to the Department of Transport and Works the other day and asked for a fly over at the Coolalinga lights and a roundabout underneath it for all the traffic flow that will be there in the near future. I think it is now. You can guess what they said, anyway just planting a seed, now all we have to do is keep watering it... who knows what it will grow into, from little things big things grow.

I have not heard anything on the Wadham Lagoon flooding issue yet, (I think the Department may have dropped the ball on this one), but I will pick it up and throw it back at them and see what happens.

Speaking of lagoons don't forget Knuckeys Lagoon and the paper that is out for you to comment on. It is important for you to look at as they are suggesting three different scenario's 1) - leave it as it is, 2) - let the area be subdivided into 1 hectare blocks, and 3) - break the area down further to city block sizes.

I am concerned if they go for option 2 there will not be enough long term planning for the drainage around the area of the lagoon, knowing that in the future it will end up as scenario 3 anyway. That is why I am of the opinion that it should be designed for option 3 NOW, that way we can ask for a master plan of how they are going to deal with the run off and drainage water for the lagoon and the whole area. I think you would be looking at a lot of years before it was filled in with houses but it really needs the right planning at the start. Have a look and let the department know your thoughts, what you think DOES COUNT and you CAN make a difference.

I've talked about the Dog Management By-Law before, and the sub-committee that was set up earlier this year to see if our current By-Law needs updating. The sub-committee found that we need to update them so we all can grow within the Municipality. We will be opening up those recommendations plus seeking YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS on what YOU think the Dog By-Law should include. Public comments will be open from Monday 26th August to Friday 20th September, during those four weeks we will be holding Public Meetings around the Municipality to encourage you to make comments. Please spread the word about the meetings.

Howard Springs Reserve – Tuesday 27th August 6pm
Humpty Doo Reserve – Wednesday 28th 6pm
Livingstone Reserve – Wednesday 4th September 7pm
Knuckey Lagoon Reserve – Thursday 5th September 6pm
Freds Pass Reserve – Tuesday 10th September 6pm
Berry Springs Reserve Wednesday 11th September 7pm

Council Regulatory team are stepping up methods of control of wild dog management, we urge resident to report issues during office hours to the council on 8983 0600.

Until next time... like you, your vote is important...stand up and make it count

Allan McKay
Litchfield Mayor
0409 940 108