Now fully settled into the daily running of the council, our newly elected members are keen to hear from the community. We want to get involved on-the-ground and see how we can make a real difference in Litchfield and are eager to recognise organisations that are making it the best place to live in the Top End.

In the spirit of recognition, in December Council acknowledged the contribution of the Palmerston and Litchfield Seniors Association in providing social opportunities and celebratory events for seniors living in the Litchfield Municipality by agreeing to continue support to the Palmerston and Litchfield Seniors Association with a three-year
funding agreement 2021 – 2024. We truly appreciate your value to the community and hope our ongoing support will showcase that support for years to come.

As for pressing council matters for the first quarter of 2022, there has been a strong focus on completing projects that are currently active. With Kentish Road now the last of the sealed roads near completion in the $21 million funded mango roads project, the Australian and Northern Territory (NT) governments and the Litchfield Council look forward to improved access and connectivity between mango farms and packing sheds and improved safety for contractors, workers and residents. Power Road works have now recommenced, with a new contractor set to have the road sealed and upgraded, and with the project scheduled to be finished any day now. The Federally funded Black Spot works have included much-needed widening of the floodway, nearest Girraween Road and pavement upgrades.

In other funding, Litchfield Council has welcomed a commitment from the newly elected Labor Government for a $10 million to upgrade Freds Pass Sports and Recreation Reserve, benefiting the greater community. We have seen considerable growth in our community and are proud of the rich history of recreational participation in the rural area. This funding announcement gives Council surety that this facility will be upgraded and provide a range of opportunities that are
currently not available, so we welcome it with open arms following the election results.

In other good community news, The NT Governments' $50million RecFishing program hit Litchfield Wednesday 1 June with 550 Barramundi being released into McMinns Lagoon reserve. If good things happen when great plans are put into action, then there is a lot to look forward to in Litchfield in 2022! The Strategic Plan 2022-2025, Social Media Activation Strategy, the Municipal Plan and Budget, Community Engagement Strategy and Action Plan and the Annual Community Survey 2022 are all finished or about to finish the consultations phase and are being put into action currently.

Our community newsletter is now out. Click here to have a read and learn all about your new Councillors and upcoming works.

Doug Barden