Well done to everyone - Lockdown is well and truly over for the NT. We still need to be careful so please follow the guidelines regarding social distancing, check in etc. For the latest information keep a check on the coronavirus.nt.gov.au and Council webpage and Facebook for update for our area.
The 2021-22 Municipal Plan and Budget has been endorsed by Councillors at a Special Meeting on 30 June 2021. This plan provides a detailed account of what Council will achieve in the next 12 months and how we will keep the area well maintained and running smoothly.
For the coming year there is a focus on the maintenance of our $510m worth of assets which include our many kilometres of roads. We will be continuing to use the community recycling efforts to support the Community Grants Scheme.
Rates and charges have increased by an average of $45 per annum or 86c per week which keeps our rates the second lowest in the Northern Territory.
Some ‘Plan’ highlights include:
• $2.6m on road maintenance and upgrades,
• $1.2m on road safety upgrades and bike paths,
• $1.18m to Recreational Reserves,
• $150K on the development of Mira Square Recreation Reserve,
• $130K for grants and community support,
• $200K on new initiatives including, up to $150 rebate per household for the NEW Going Green Program.
In the coming year we will be continuing our advocacy efforts in three areas:
Top of the list - engagement is in process and planning for the areas of Holtze, Kowandi and Virginia to ensure that the area stays in Litchfield and is developed with the appropriate amenity;
Freds Pass Sport and Recreation Reserve - upgrades to unsure it receives consistent and comparable investment and,
Relocation of the community library - make it more accessible and ensuring it provides multiple services and caters for the diverse needs across our area.
You can access the Municipal Plan and related documents here or from the Council Office.
Our community organisations, schools and volunteers are so valuable in keeping us all active and connected. Recently I have had the pleasure of attending several events that certainly draw one’s attention just how much talent there is in our community :
- Special congratulations to Taminmin College for the musical production of ‘Footloose’.
- The Southport progress Association celebration of 150 +1 years of history held at Mira Square was a great morning and this fits every well with the Friends of the Library Association's newly formed Litchfield History group.
- The Palmerston Litchfield Association Seniors’ fortnight calendar of events is very much looking like it will be chokers. The program runs between 8 to 22 August and includes a great array of activities including Opening lunch at Humpty Doo Village Green, Mini Golf, visits to Mick's Whips and the Berry Springs Tavern.
I recently attended the National General Assembly (NGA) of Local Government. It was so worthwhile to be able to join with over 600 Mayors and Councillors from across the country in conversation about the issues and challenges that effect all our communities, and to engage in the debate to set national policy and direction. A significant focus of conversation related to waste management, climate action, renewables, disaster preparedness building resilience recovery and digital communication in remote areas.
Local Government elections are on Saturday 28 August with early voting starting on 16 August. There are seven elected member Councillor positions needed for Litchfield, including 2 for each of the 3 wards plus the mayor. Local Government Association of NT (LGANT) are partnering with Council in holding an information session for interested community members who might be thinking about nominating. This will be held on Tuesday 20 July from 6pm. Also, the Palmerston Litchfield Seniors Association will be holding a candidate forum on the evening of 11 August at the Humpty Doo Village Green. This event will give residents an opportunity to meet candidates and for Candidates to share their platform and interests.
Mayor Maree Bredhauer