
I'd like to remind you about the dog meetings we will be having, please take the time to come along and talk to us about what we should or should not have in the new amended By-Laws.

Litchfield Council current Dog By-Law is now open for public review and comments. Earlier in 2013 Litchfield Council set up a Sub-Committee to review the current Dog Management By- Law. The committee met three times to review the current By-Law. The subcommittee found three recommendations to be considered to enable Litchfield Council to provide effective management and suitable environment for dogs within the community:

  • All dogs must be registered
  • The number of dogs permitted without a "multiple dog permit" be 3
  • Multiple Dog Licence

We need your comments and recommendations on what YOU think should be in our By-Laws.

Public Comments are open Monday 26th August – Friday 26th September

Public Meetings:

Livingstone Reserve – Wednesday 4th September 7pm
Knuckey Lagoon Reserve – Thursday 5th September 6pm
Freds Pass Reserve – Tuesday 10th September 6pm
Berry Springs Reserve Wednesday 11th September 7pm


On Saturday 24th August I attended the 10th Annual Seniors' Poetry Lunch at Taminmin Community Library. It was a good event with about 50 people in attendance, I even had to write a poem and present it. It was my first attempt at writing one, I must say it was an experience and luckily the audience were forgiving. Each year they print a book with everyone's poem in. Taminmin Library offers many activities, so if you haven't heard of it and would like to join in head down the Library, situated in the College grounds but open to everyone. Every Wednesday and Friday the Library is a place to catch up with old mates that you haven't seen for years at the Senior Morning Teas.

New Hospital puts Litchfield on the Map

Last week the Northern Territory Government and Coalition announced the site for the new Regional Hospital. A new $150 million hospital is to be built in Holtze, Litchfield. The site for the new hospital is between the Stuart Highway and Taylor Road in Holtze. Litchfield Municipality is currently thriving, with the announcement last week that the $85 million Livingstone Abattoir has the final go ahead. Developments already underway in the Litchfield Region consist of the Coolalinga development, the new prison at Holtze and the Ichthys LNG project including the accommodation village at Howard Springs and the gas processing plant at Blaydin Point. All these offer significant economic benefits to the rural residents. It's exciting, the rural area is on the rise and the announcement of the new hospital in the Litchfield Municipality will service the needs of our growing population.

A new hospital in the Territory has been the centre of topic for years and now is at the centre of the election campaign with both the Coalition and Labor Government committing to $110 million federal money plus $40 million from the NT Government to build the new hospital at the Holtze site.

Allan McKay
Litchfield Mayor
0409 940 108