Deputy Mayor

At April's Council meeting we welcomed our annual change of Deputy Mayor with North Ward Councillor Mathew Salter taking up the role for his 12 months from South Ward Councillor Vic Statham. Thank you Vic for your support in the seat of Deputy Mayor over the past year. Mathew has been with Council since 2012 living in Howard Springs and an active sportsman being both player and coach for a number of clubs at Freds Pass Sport and Recreation Reserve. Mathew is keen to hear from Community members wanting to be involved in the future direction of our Municipality.


A new memorialisation option is available for loved ones at Thorak Regional Cemetery. Situated in the Courtyard of Tranquillity, the Family Tree Garden features newly landscaped surrounds, with native tress and exotic hedging.
Families can purchase a Hibiscus Tree (Red Cottonwood) in this non religious area offering space for up to eight loved ones ashes to be interred under the cool shade of the deep red heart shaped leaves. Individual bronze plaques can be attached along a concrete kerb that surrounds the Tree Gardens. A family headstone is another option. The tree garden offers a choice where families can rest in peace together. The cemetery is situated amid natural bushland, just a short drive off the Stuart Highway or McMillans Road situated at 95 Deloraine Road, Knuckey Lagoon.


Humpty Doo offers two services for the ANZAC Day commemorations; a 06:00am Dawn service at the Humpty Doo Golf Club and a 09:00am service at Humpty Doo Village Green Cenotaph organised by The Lions Club of Litchfield Inc in conjunction with Litchfield Council.


Many of our local reserves are looking for new Volunteers. Check out your local Reserve to see which one is close to you or offers an interest close to your heart.


With the short working weeks coming up, why not spend your days at one of our seven Reserves or take a drive around the World War II historical airstrips at Livingstone, Strauss and Hughes. Pack a picnic, grab the push bikes or visit a playground, many activities to choose from so close to home.