Council have released its 2014/2015 draft Municipal Plan including the budget for public comment. The budget seeks to balance the demand for services and infrastructure, with the community's capacity to pay. In previous years Council has focused on new initiatives which increased day to day operational costs. The 2014/2015 budget is focused on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our existing resources and contains the rate increase of 3.5% on general rates. A typical residential block will pay $658.26, up from $636.00 last year and the waste levy (that was subsidised in previous years) will increase from $290.00 to $315.00 resulting in the waste management operations being cost neutral. The average increase for a residential property equates to 91cents a week.

Municipal Plan »

Copies are available from the Council Offices. Public feedback closes on 23rd June 2014.

Another Plan open for public comment is the Thorak Regional Cemetery Master Plan, this plan looks at the future of this Top End Cemetery including expectations and needs of the community. The Master Plan which includes a business plan looks at guiding the future development and management of the cemetery. In order to prepare what the community needs, we ask the community to read the Master Plan and provide feedback to Council.

Thorak Regional Cememtery Master Plan

Copies are available from the Council Offices. Public feedback closes on 21st June 2014.

Culverts are currently being installed at Darwin River Crossing on Leonino Road. The work is scheduled for completion on 1st August with detours in place while the floodway is closed, please use Reedbeds Road, Old Bynoe Road and Darwin River Road.

Not long now till the 2014 National Polocrosse Championships. I am thrilled the event is being hosted in our region, held every two years with the last one in the Territory in 2002. The event attracts National and International competitors with interest this year from England, South Africa, New Zealand and America. The week-long event is held at Freds Pass Recreation Reserve from 7th – 13th July.

Territory Day can be celebrated with professional Fireworks at Berry Springs Recreation Reserve, food and drinks available from 6pm with the fireworks commencing at 8pm.

The Sunday before, 29th June, Berry Springs monthly Markets will be held attracting the usual stalls and this month's event is open to car boot sales. No need to book, only $5.00 per car and there will be a free bouncy castle for the kids.

Coolalinga Markets is held every Saturday under the big shed at Freds Pass.

Our next Micro Chipping day is 25th June. We have plenty of spaces available; a one off payment of $25.00 can help us identify your pet. With Territory Day just around the corner, fireworks can scare dogs, which may become lost and wandering. If Council Rangers can identify them, they can be returned home. Bookings are essential, call Council on 8983 0600 to make a booking.

Enjoy Territory Day, till next time,

Allan McKay