As you may have seen on the media last week Litchfield had been accepted as one on the Australia wide locations to host the Queens Baton Relay leading to its presentation at the Commonwealth, Games on the Gold Coast next year. The Relay will be a showcase of the Rural Area at Sattler Airstrip on Thursday, 1st March, 2018 and will be followed by a community event at Fred’s Pass Reserve. The Community nominated Batonbearer Program is now open so if you want to be part of the action, share the dream and carry with pride the spirit of the Games, check out the Litchfield Council website under the News section. You can also keep up to date with the Games on the Council’s Facebook page.

I would like to thank the people who chose to make submissions on the Draft Animal By-Laws. Submissions will now be collated and reviewed and will inform any changes prior to the draft being sent back to Parliamentary Council for the final drawing up. meeting. The draft will then be represented to Council for adoption, probably at the May meeting. The By-Laws will then be gazetted and could be in place by June this year.

Once again to answer a few queries. These By-Laws updates were required because the existing By-Law (2011) lacked the legal framework to make them enforceable. Fees and charges cannot be set until there are By-Laws to apply them to so until the By-Laws are adopted we are not in a position to set fees. Council is acutely aware that the By-Laws are to promote responsible dog ownership so fees will aim to do the same. With over 800 dog complaints registered with Council in 2016 and already 102 this year the need for good By-Laws is clearly demonstrated. Council has also allocated funds to the Feral Dog issue with considerable success. Please report any complaint re wild dogs to Council so our Rangers can continue to build up a picture of likely hot spots.

It’s time to preparing for Fred’s Pass Show on the 13 and 14 May. There are many ways to get involved: put in an entry into one of the many categories of cooking, horticulture or craft or maybe volunteer your services or time. Please contact the office at to register your interest.

Congratulations to Mat Cannard and the Under 18’s Southern Districts Footy team for their sensational grand final win on the weekend.