Congratulations to all involved in the Queen Baton Relay and Community Dinner. It was a fantastic event that truly showcased Litchfield. If you weren't there, you missed joining with over 400 community members celebrating with the Baton Bearers and enjoying our local produce: Barra, Croc, Buff as well as the scrumptious Mango Ice blocks.

Following on from 2017 Youth Week, 'Dream Big with the Mayor' event, Council will again be looking to listen to the hopes and aspirations of our younger citizens. This year the ‘Litchfield Youth Forum’ will bring together 150, Year 9 students to share ideas and stories with the aim of developing a 'Youth Vision' for Litchfield that will inform planning for the future.

On the subject of planning, the elected members have recently reviewed the Litchfield Strategic Plan. This plan guides Council work and has committed to a focus on three priority areas: everything you need, a great place to live and a beautiful and safe natural environment. Each priority will be achieved through the investment of time, money and/or effort in performing well in any one of Councils six roles of advocacy, community engagement, funding, regulation, service delivery and partnership.

Cyclone Marcus has left a trail of destruction and council staff and contractors did a great job over the weekend clearing roads and making areas safe. This work will continue with cutting and chipping happening over the next few weeks. Assessment of damage to reserves is underway and access may be restricted. To assist residents with their own block clean-up household green waste can be deposited at the Waste Transfer Stations free of charge for the next two weeks.

Contact the Mayor via the website, Snap, Send, Solve app, email or ph. 89 830612.

Next Council meeting is Wednesday 21 March, at 6.30pm at the Council Chambers, Bees Creek Road.