2020 is in full swing already. So here’s what is happening in Litchfield and how you can get involved. Programs at Taminmin Community Library are back with some amazing programs for all ages and has a great range of books both in the library and online for those that can’t get there. One of the increasingly popular events is the Seniors Morning Teas held every second Friday of the month. This is a chance to catch up with like minded souls, and they usually have an interesting guest speaker.

Calling all artists and those who like to appreciate the work of local artists. The second Litchfield Council Art Exhibition is coming to Whitewood Hall, Howard Springs on March 7 & 8. Judging on last years success this should be a good one.What a great opportunity to see the talent in our own backyard. Entries close Friday 14 February, but don’t panic, if you miss out on entering it will be a great weekend of viewing art. If you would like to enter but don’t know how or what is eligible, please contact Council on 8983 0600 to chat to someone.

In Council news, the emphasis is now on this year’s Municipal Plan and budget development. This outlines Council projects, new initiatives for the coming year and how we are going to pay for it. The plan will be available for public consultation over April/May which will include a Council stall at the Fred’s Pass Show.

Speaking of which, this year’s is expected to live up to the usual high standard and keeps the tradition of rural shows alive. One of the highlights is the 50 k feast which is just about sold out. And, a reminder that the show committee is always looking for Volunteers and what a great way to support your local area. Looking forward to seeing and talking/listening to you around Litchfield.

Mayor Maree Bredhauer