Many of you will have seen, or heard, the recent media/press releases from the Chief Minister and Minister Lawler indicating that $15M will be invested over the next five years in planning for population and industry growth of two new suburbs, Holtze and Kowandi, near Palmerston. These areas are part of our Municipality.

I can assure you that Council has always, and will continue, to work through the details with the relevant authorities and will contest any proposals that are not in the best interest of our community. It is important to us that your voices are heard in any discussion and we will be advocating strongly to support the needs of our rural community. Give me a call if you want to discuss this.

The document put out by the Planning Commission is called, The Palmerston Environs Subregional Land Use Plan and is available by visiting Have Your Say Northern Territory or Northern Territory Planning Commission. You can make comment on this plan on either of the websites by 25 June 2021.

From a personal perspective, it is always so fantastic to be involved in community events and to join with community organisations in congratulating to our Litchfield Achievers: 
Huge congratulations to Jessica Puntoriero from Berry Springs winner of the Santos Environment Award at the NT Young Acheivers Awards presentation. Jessica is a fantastic advocate for environmental protection through her work as a Ranger. Well done to our other Litchfield finalists: Romy Carey, finalist in the Earthmoving and Agriculture Award; Khalehla Cartwright, finalist in the Young Carers Award and, Kathryn Ezzy finalist in the NT Career Achievement Award.
Tou Saramat Ruchkaew, another Litchfield resident, has also received an award for Woman in Agriculture Award at the NT Farmers' Food Futures Conference. This acknowledges her dedication, hard work and support to the agricultural industry and in particular our mango industry.
While very disappointing to hear that the 2021 Freds Pass Rural Show will not go ahead as planned, it is great to see that the dedicated bunch of Show Association volunteers have committed to an online event similar to 2020. This was very well supported last year and I am looking forward to seeing what the committee has installed for the community online in 2021. Keep a watch on the Freds Pass Rural Show Facebook for details:

A reminder that all dogs who call Litchfield home must be registered with Council. To help residents abide by this By-law, Council is offering FREE dog registration and microchipping for all dogs up until 30 June 2021.

Council is also offering financial assistance by providing residents with vouchers to de-sex their dogs. $100 vouchers are available to residents living in the Litchfield Municipality and whose dogs are registered with Council.

For more details, or to fill out an application form check out the web pages Dog Registration or Desexing Initiative.

Planning for the future is a critical part of Council’s work. The 2021-22 draft Municipal Plan and Budget, that sets out the objectives for the upcoming 12 months, is currently available for comment by residents. While Council is moving toward a year of consolidation following a large infrastructure spend in 2020-21, it does not mean we are marking time. In fact, we will be continuing our focus on ensuring our $323 million of assets are bought up to standard and all services, information and resources are accessible to our entire community.

Some highlights of the budget include over $1m spend across our recreational reserves; $6.6m on capital works; $130K for Community Grants and sponsorship. Waste and rates increase of $45 have been made in line with the Long Term Financial Plan.

I encourage you to take the time to read the Draft Plan and Budget and provide your feedback through one of the many channels provided by 1 June 2021:

• Website - Your Say Litchfield
• Email –
• In person – at Council Office, 7 Bees Creek Road, Freds Pass

Of course, should you wish to discuss any aspects of the draft plan with myself, please give me a call.
As always, I am keen to connect with residents. You can contact me via or ph. 8983 0612 Mob: 0437517709.